Elastomer Research Testing BV (ERT) was founded on 4 August 2003. The founders are Dr. Ir. Johan Baaij and rubber technologist Jan van Kranenburg (LPRI).
ERT organises the 'Introduction to rubber technology' course for the first time. This introductory course for newcomers will become very successful. ERT organises a user group of Gabo DMTA test equipment. Participants are Vredestein Banden (now Apollo Vredestein), Ruma Rubber, Vernay and Elastomer Research Testing.
ERT receives the ISO9001-2000 certificate for the first time on 24 January 2005. Formulation of our mission: 'Innovation through partnership'.
ERT achieves a profit for the first time, after sales growth of 80%. ERT decides to start preparing for the ISO17025 accreditation (scope is determined).
ERT decides to build a new tailor-made laboratory building. For the first time in its history, ERT achieves positive equity. Laboratory manager Dr. Ir. Kuno Dijkhuis starts his career at ERT. A three-year research agreement is signed with Teijin Twaron (research carried out on aramid short-fibre reinforced rubber compound).
In March, ERT sends its first newsletter. Our new building is opened on 4 July 2008.
ISO9001-2008 certification in February 2009, ERT is one of the participants in the 'Safe Tyres Save Energy' ERDF project. together with Apollo Vredestein and Twente University. The project will run between 2009 and 2014. This project is supported by the European Union (ERDF) and local authorities (GO, Gelderland and Overijssel).
VKRT (organisation for rubber and plastic technologies) visits the ERT laboratory.
The 'Rubber properties and rubber testing' workshop is organised for the first time. Dr Ir. Johan Baaij technical director and one of the founders of ERT retires. However, he will still be available on a consultancy agreement.
ERT is accredited in accordance with the requirements of ISO17025 on 19 January 2011. The ISO17025 standard lays down the general requirements for the competency of testing and calibration laboratories. ERT starts a new training course: 'Rubber in seals'.
We will be happy to help you
Elastomer Research Testing BV
Teugseweg 27
7418 AM Deventer the Netherlands
Postal address
Elastomer Research Testing BV
PO Box 2149
7420 AC Deventer the Netherlands
E info@ertbv.com
T +31 570 62 46 16
F +31 570 62 57 02